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13 August 2009

Wake up folks...

...and smell the Fiberals...
Ontario taxpayers are paying the lion's share of a $1.4-billion plan to rebuild and maintain a Toronto hospital, including renovating the historic Don Jail building into stunning new office space for administrators.

The deal is being funded through Infrastructure Ontario, a public agency overseen by Public Infrastructure Minister George Smitherman, who as a former health minister used to complain about tax dollars being spent on "Taj Ma-Hospitals."
Try to imagine what this puppy's actually gonna cost by the time Dalton and "his friends" are through with it...
Ontario's Liberal government has paid out almost $1 billion to private companies to cover new hospital construction overruns, a coalition of community health organizations said Friday.

UPDATE: Hudson resigns, Kramer dishes...
“Given the many hundreds of millions that were squandered under the auspices of SSHA, it is ironic that the much smaller amounts spent on these consultants that have garnered so much attention.”
That'd be squandered by the McSlippery cabal folks... and Sarah lets it all hang out...
..."a failing behemoth which had already run through more than $600 million dollars with hardly anything to show for it... a moribund and deeply troubled and dysfunctional organization... an internal culture that prized process above results."
Hey, Dalton... this was your handpicked candidate?

I wanna meet the ones that didn't make the cut.
