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04 August 2009

So Dalton... three strikes...

...and you'll find somebody to replace this guy too?
Scandal-plagued eHeatlh Ontario is under new management. Robert Devitt, a former hospital CEO, takes over the reins today as the new interim president and CEO of the agency.

EHealth Ontario has been struggling to find its footing after a series of embarrassing revelations of excessive executive and consultant spending and after years of questionable progress in its goal to create electronic health records for Ontarians.

RELATED: Ask an actual working doctor
"Back when they said they were going to build this thing, the other doctors in the room were very excited. Most, if not all of us, thought how nice it would be to access a patient's medical records anywhere, anytime. Frustrations relieved, a happy pallor fell over the room."

"Then I mentioned the gun registry. Several groans later, most people were thinking about how many CT scanners a few billion could buy."

"Soon most had accepted it for what it was, the continuous subtle torment of our souls."
Say, Dalton... when do we... and by we, I mean Ontario taxpayers... get that other billion dollars back?
