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31 August 2009

Raging leftosphere strangely silent... racist accusations hit Toronto newspaper...
"We never stop to look at the vast majority of our youth that have handguns in their hand," she told a small crowd at Saturday's rally.

The rally was sponsored by the Black Action Defence Committee and aimed at crime in the black community.

"There are a lot of people in the black community who would rather get a gun than a job," said committee director Dudley Laws.
Hellloooo... anybody out there?

Dawg? CC? Red? Stooge? Anybody?



RELATED: Oh no... the racist CBC
The CBC's French-language wing, Radio-Canada, will have to apologize for the offensive sketches on its traditional New Year's Eve special that included an interview with a comedian suggesting Barack Obama would be easy to assassinate because the first black U.S. president would stand out against the White House.
Again... not a peep.

Seems like the outrage is a little selective... over on the snarky side of the fence.
