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26 August 2009

Legendary philandering, alcoholic...

...millionaire, who took over famous brother's Senate seat and ended up killing young female campaign worker... ah, screw it...
President Barack Obama, of whom he was an active supporter, said he was "heartbroken" to hear of his death.
Of course, there are always at least two sides to any story...
"I found it hard to believe the Senator had been in a major automobile accident. His face bore no traces of any marks. He never sat down or appeared in any kind of physical discomfort. If he had been injured, in shock, or confused, nothing of it lingered in our meeting, to my observation." -- Police Chief Dominick Arena

"Senator Kennedy killed that girl the same as if he put a gun to her head and pulled the trigger." -- George Killen, State Police Detective-Lieutenant

RELATED: Who is Teddy Kennedy?

Well, you could start with lying, hypocritical sack-o-shit...
When President Ford pardoned Richard Nixon, Kennedy excoriated this decision asking: “Do we operate under a system of equal justice under law?"

"Or is there one system for the average citizen and another for the high and mighty?”
And it doesn't stop there...
"For most of his life, until he married Victoria Reggie in 1992, Ted Kennedy's behavior oscillated between the constructive lawmaker and the destructive libertine, the devoted father and the shamelessly unfaithful husband," Klein writes.

"Naturally, no single psychological explanation could ever account for this ever-changing, kaleidoscopic behavior."

LAST WORD: Poor Teddy... they knew him well
Kennedy also abused his wife in many other ways, according to Chellis. She quotes Joan as saying, “I was nobody, nothing and not needed.”

One observer is quoted as saying that since Kennedy “was not a confronter of reality,” Joan, although she had the best medical help available, was left to deal with her alcoholism virtually on her own.

And the Senator, who some say seemed to invite press coverage of his wife’s drinking problem, once allegedly asked a friendly journalist at Hyannis Port if she would like to see Joan. He led the journalist out the back door and pointed to a car where his wife was passed out in the back seat.

A real profile in courage, right?