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12 July 2009

The Wonder Years

Newly minted teenager Neophyte had a buddy "sleep over" last night. Of course, in a particularly male rite-of-passage... they actually stayed up all night playing video games.

And this morning, it is a point of pride, to not be the first one to crash and burn.

A test of manhood, not unlike jousting.

Now, I'm guessing all the moms out there are just shaking their heads at what they perceive to be male assininity, but it makes perfect sense to me.

I have told Mrs Neo that men and women are actually two different species... from two different planets... who happened, somehow, to end up on Earth together.

And when we don't see eye to eye on something like this, I simply say... "Well, that's how we do it on our planet."

It's as close to explaining things as I can get.
