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02 July 2009

Well, I guess he won't... that again...
After his capture, Saddam Hussein told the FBI that he falsely allowed the world to believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction because he feared revealing his weakness to Iran, the hostile neighbour he considered a bigger threat than the United States.
Funny how often these sweaty-balled third world dictators think they can get by on hysterical threats and sheer bluff.

Then somebody calls them on it... and bam... the whole picture changes.

Hmmm... maybe President McDreamy should reconsider his "Mr. Rogers" policy towards the Norks.

You know... before the nukes actually start flyin'.


RELATED: And speaking of...
A third round of talks over an embattled joint industrial zone between North and South Korea has produced no progress.

The North apparently launched several short range missiles into the ocean even as South Korean delegates were making their journey back from the North's territory.