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29 July 2009


...Yassir Arafat is smiling...
An Ottawa university professor accused in the deadly terrorist bombing of a French synagogue nearly 30 years ago is expected to resume teaching at Carleton University this week.

Hassan Diab, who is accused of murdering four people in the 1980 bombing, will begin teaching a part-time introductory sociology course at Carleton two days a week between now and the middle of August.
(h/t reader rich)


UPDATE: From the comments...
Carleton University today issued the following statement to media:

In the interest of providing its students with a stable, productive academic environment that is conducive to learning, Carleton University announced today that a full-time faculty member, with direct experience teaching introductory sociology (SOCI 1002), will immediately replace the current instructor, Hassan Diab.

No further comment will be made regarding this issue.