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14 July 2009

Oh... my... gawd...

...those poor children... hey, wait a minute...
“They were obviously terrified to jump. They must have been incredibly terrified in that fall and I don’t think it should just be written off as ‘Oh well.’”
Way to go, Toronto Sun... let's not clog up anybody's brain bucket with, you know... actual news...
The written answers produced by the minister's own scientific advisers proved so woolly and full of elementary errors that Fielding's team have now published a 50-page, fully-referenced "Due Diligence" paper tearing them apart.

In light of the inadequacy of the Government's reply, the Senator has announced that he will be voting against the bill.

The wider significance of this episode is that it is the first time a Western government has allowed itself to be drawn into debating the science behind the global warming scare with expert scientists representing the "counter consensus" – and the "consensus" lost hands down.
(via sda)
