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03 July 2009

An evening of...

...well, you know...
Interestingly, this little shindig is being touted as...
"a combination of awesome intellect, devastating logic and, sometimes, just calling people 'douchebags' when the situation calls for it."
Apparently, the recent outing of singularly compassionate, lefty intellectual "Canadian Cesspool" has merely served to propel him to greater heights of narcissism.

And speaking of rampant "wankery", I wonder whether CC will be presenting his recent theories about Prime Minister Stephen Harper being in the pocket of the all-powerful Jews...
Or, how about this stuff...
Yeah... what's a little anti-semitism among friends, huh?

And again, in the comments, the Chimp-O-Sphere defends the franchise...
"Like I said Einstein, you people were the worst of anti-Semite's before 9-11. Now you tolerate the Jews because you're hoping they'll nuke all the other brown people for you."
Us people?

The "Jew tolerators"?

I'm gonna have to chew on that one.

And let's not forget... CC and crew fancy themselves real "ladies men".

Perhaps CC's "carefully-acquired co-blogger 'Pretty Shaved Ape'" aka Lindsay Stewart will be able to expand upon his fantasy about raping noted right-wing pundit Ann Coulter.
"i'll take my beer drunk self to bed with dreams of pulling on a raw woolen condom and slipping in to the sulphurous chasm that lurks beneath her christian skirts."

"you know what they say, if you can't beat 'em, fuck 'em. i'll feel so dirty in the morning."
Or who could forget the Cynic's magnum opus... wherein he tells Wanda Watkins, the mother of a young Canadian soldier slain in Afghanistan...
"Fuck you and your grief."
Yessiree... an evening for all the uber-highbrow denizens of the sanctimonious left-o-sphere.


"More like uber-unibrow. Even before his greasy mug was plastered all over, I KNEW he was a tubby bitch with a shitty haircut."
"I sure hope someone you-tubes tonights proceedings at the second coming of the Algonquin Round Table."
And the "awesomely intellectual, devastatingly logical" Cynic responds...
C'mon now Bobby... a fine, upstanding young man like yourself... who would ever wanna wish you ill?


UPDATE: Some pretty tame douchebaggery...
Someone taped the show last night - not sure who - but Robert didn’t much care for the free publicity.

Whatever his reasons for wanting to suddenly stay private, he wound up chasing a guy with a camera halfway down the street back from O’Grady’s pub to tell the guy not to post the footage.

Maybe he’s Amish at heart, and doesn’t want his image captured.