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28 July 2009

Even a Cyborg from the future...

...couldn't pull this fat outta the fire...
"California's share (32%) of the nation's welfare recipients has been soaring since Democrat legislators severely relaxed welfare rules and eligibility while hiking benefits around 2001. The result was as predictable for welfare as California's high taxes and heavy regulations have been for jobs and business."
But hell... that's just part of the problem...
San Francisco, to use a simple example, employs at least 100 unionized workers who earn over $200,000 annually (including a $350,000 a year "Special Nurse").

Los Angeles has nearly 300 retirees earning over $100,000 a year.
But who really cares, huh? It's just a tiny drop in the whole Democratic Party spend, spend, spend well.
California is an ominous preview into America's future.

Perhaps an enterprising progressive (or is that an oxymoron?) could explain why we should follow the Obama-Pelosi-Reid brain-trust into certain oblivion.
(h/t maggies farm)
