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23 June 2009

Turtle with a 'tude

We rescued this little guy off the road near our place. We've been picking them up off the road and placing them back in the ditch... but some recent reptile carnage has changed our game plan.

There have been at least a half dozen smashed turtles in the last week or so where the road passes through the swamp, so we've decided to open the immigration floodgates to the pond out back.

Despite our benevolent intentions... he did not go quietly... a valuable characteristic in both turtles and human beings.

Welcome Mr T.


Out fishing, my friend is sitting at the bow with a couple of pike on a chain stringer. Suddenly the chain starts to rattle so he proceeds to pull it up to see what's happening.

I then hear this girl-like scream coming from him and look up to see a snapper about the size of a grade school desk top latched on to one of the pike.