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01 June 2009

Kinsella once again...

...hunting wabbits... I mean witches.

And looky here... even though Special K apparently already has an IP address and this person's email... it doesn't stop his acolytes from tossing around all kinds of accusations.

I dunno buddy, maybe it's that Nigerian 419 scammer you were so scared of a little while ago.


FROM THE COMMENTS: An update from BigCityGlib...
And then, if indeed that is actually what happened... instead of then turning it over to the police... Special K deputises the leftosphere?

You guys gonna hang him from the nearest tree?

How does any of this make any sort of sense?


RELATED: See Murph... this is a threat...
An 18-year-old male is in custody and facing charges Monday after he gathered an arsenal that included a shotgun and batons and posted a hit list with 117 names – 71 of them staff and students at his Vancouver high school – on Facebook.
And that's how you handle it.


LAST WORD: Who is BigCityLib?
