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05 June 2009

Jihadi Rules

"If you can't beat 'em... go vapourise some civilians..."
-- PESHAWAR, Pakistan -- A suicide bomber killed 30 people attending Friday prayers at a mosque, while a roadside bomb left four soldiers dead in Pakistan’s tribal belt — the latest violence to rock the country’s northwest as the army says it is beating back the Taliban in the Swat Valley.
Once again... the capricious and unknowable "Will of Allah".


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Ahmed formed his conspiracy when he and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee of Roswell, who will be tried later, met with like-minded extremists in Toronto in March 2005 and began planning to go to Pakistan to join a terrorist training camp, McBurney said.

A month later, they went to Washington and took 62 “casing videos” of area landmarks. Some of the videos later were found on the computers of men now convicted of terrorism.