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27 June 2009

It must be true...

...I saw it on TV...
"The reportage, so called, is simply an immense static flowing out of the celebrity event. Its purpose is not to supply information but to indicate, by its sheer volume and continuousness, the rank of the celebrity concerned."

RELATED: The good news is...

...somebody dodged a bullet...
"Jackson's passing is an even better thing for the Waxman-Markey 'Cap and Trade' TAX that was pushed through the House today, without anyone reading it, or any other media objectively covering it. Even Fox News started slobberin' over the sad news about Michael at 5:55 P. M., when they cut off Beck."

"Fox's Bret Baier was to follow at 6:00 P. M., with a complete expose' on the bill and how it will kill the economy, but he was also pre-empted with the media circus that followed."