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09 June 2009

The inevitable disconnect...

...between what government says... and what it actually does...
An imprisoned militant whose release has been demanded by the kidnappers of five British hostages has been freed from US custody, officials have said.

Shia leader Laith al-Khazali was handed over by the US military in Iraq to the Iraqi authorities on Saturday.
Of course, on the heels of this transaction, we also get...
British and US officials have stressed that the handover is not part of a prisoner exchange.
Which is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, a barefaced lie.

The truth is, I have less of a problem here with this particular exchange... than having the government look me in the face and tell me blatant untruths. But that is what we have come to expect, isn't it?

That the politicians will lie to us. That lies are the new normal.

How pathetic is that? You DO get the kind of government you deserve.


RELATED: Is it still racist, if the guy...

...saying it... is a Muslim socialist?
