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24 June 2009

Hope, Change and...

...Big Mother knows best...
The president characteristically denies that he is doing what he is doing -- putting the nation on a path to an outcome he considers desirable -- just as he denies any intention of running General Motors. Nevertheless, the unifying constant of his domestic policies -- their connecting thread -- is that they advance the Democrats' dependency agenda.

The party of government aims to make Americans more equal by making them equally dependent on government for more and more things.

RELATED: So Barack, that foreign policy shit...'re makin' it up as you go, right?
A bomb ripped through a crowded market in Baghdad's main Shia district on Wednesday, killing at least 61 people and wounding more than 100 less than a week before a deadline for U.S. combat troops to leave Iraq's urban areas.

A series of blasts this week have killed more than 160 people, as U.S. and Iraqi officials warned they expected more violence before the U.S. withdrawal from cities.

Cowardly, dishonest Canadian Cesspool decides to forge more comments under my name.

Douche-baggery... it's just a service he offers.