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16 June 2009

"Give me your tired, your poor..."

"Your disease-riddled hookers"...
-- TORONTO -- A former Thai stripper who was jailed for giving her former husband HIV may have found a way to dance around deportation from Canada.

Suwalee Iamkhong, 40, of Toronto, had a bid to reopen her case thrown out last Friday by the Court of Appeal but she did win a reduction of her two-year sentence to two years less a day, allowing her to appeal a deportation order.
Of, course... this is exactly the kind of immigrant we should be looking for. I mean, she's got that entrepreneurail spirit, right?
Anna Pape, of the Canada Border Services Agency, said Iamkhong will receive a stay of her removal order until an appeal is heard. "Serious criminality in Canada is considered as two years and over," Pape said.

Meanwhile, Whiteman said he sponsored Iamkhong and under immigration laws is financially responsible for her until 2011.
Thank you Pierre Trudeau.


FROM THE COMMENTS: The usual leftbots descend...
"What a friggin' Nancy-boy!"
Sounds like somebody's got issues, huh?
