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12 June 2009

All stump... no thump

The Cowardly Lion of Canadian politics just isn't used to having his professorial cant questioned...
Wow, does Michael Ignatieff ever talk a lot when he has nothing to say.

There he is on the TV as I type, taking his tenth or 15th question in a scrum in Montreal, jousting with reporters, a strained smile on his face because they keep asking him the same thing and how many different ways can he say he hasn’t made a decision yet?

Not a lot of different ways, it turns out, and yet he won’t back away from the microphone. So he’s having to say them again and again. And it’s making him testy. But he won’t stop. So he repeats himself. And then the reporters do. And still he won’t walk away.

There. He finally stopped.

He’s gonna read the thing tonight and make a decision. Except all week I’ve been hearing from Liberals about their vacation plans. Those plans don’t involve door-knocking and debate prep.

So if this whole election thing is still a live option, somebody forgot to tell the party.
(h/t blue like you)


RELATED: Scratch a Liberal... find an opportunist
The Liberals have not produced any substantial pushback outside of Parliament save a boring two minute Youtube lecture on the politics of nice from Dr. Ignatieff.

And on the economy? Grit girl Youtube ads?

Torytube it ain’t, Warren