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21 May 2009

Under current Canadian law...

...GE foods do not need to be labelled...
It would be a watershed moment - there are currently no genetically engineered animals approved for sale as food anywhere in the world - and opponents are predicting a wave of consumer outrage.
In other "we have the technology... almost" news...
"If all households were stocked with the more efficient equipment, Canadians would cut five of the 6.3 terawatt-hours of standby power they consume each year, which is enough to power all the homes in New Brunswick."
Well, it would if... like the heavily touted electric car from General Motors... actually existed.


"Not sure what you are talking about Neo, but General Motors did make and produce the EV1 back in the 1990's."
Hmmm... that sounds so familiar...
In 2006 Sony Pictures produced a Michael Moore-type “documentary” film entitled, “Who Killed the Electric Car”. Among the “villains” in the EV1’s death were GM, the U.S. federal government and even CARB.

But the real killer was the apathy of a public that was not interested in electric cars with the limited driving range provided by the available battery technology.
"Let me see if I get this straight: they want me to wait until 9PM to put on my dishwasher, but everything would be hunky-dory if 100,000 commuters plugged in their electric cars at the same time?"
"Or as I like to call it, the coal fired car."