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25 May 2009

Tonight's CTV Moonbat Moment

In yet another shameless and incredibly hypocritical defense of Canada's first wannabe American Prime Minister... CTV featured a soundbite from Warren "Special K" Kinsella... the man one Liberal organiser recently described as "Human Shrapnel."

Apparently the Puffin King is the political equivalent of, and I quote... "Wayne Gretzky" or "Celine Dion."

Yet another journalistic coup for Sandi Rinaldo and CTV.


RELATED: Canada... it's for "the little people"
"We should just all be grateful for the little time that he is able to spend with us on our humble Canadian soil."

LAST WORD: Yup... "just visiting"
Ignatieff’s future with the Kennedy School remains dependent on whether he is elected.

“If I am not elected, I imagine that I will ask Harvard to let me back,” Ignatieff said. “I love teaching here, and I hope I’ll be back in some shape or form.”

“He is still affiliated with the Carr Center and will remain so,” said Executive Director Fernande Raine. “We hope he will come back at some point depending on how long this run in politics actually takes.”