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31 May 2009

That's odd, the terrorists don't usually...

...give you advance warning like this... but let's take them at their word and start bringing up reinforcements...
-- AKWESASNE, Ont. -- Mohawk Warriors from the Akwesasne reserve near Cornwall, Ont. say they will storm a Canada Border Services Agency post on Monday and shut down the international border crossing unless their political leaders receive a commitment from the federal government not to arm border guards at the post, which stands on reserve territory.

“We are going to clear them out,” said Thomas Stacy, a middle-aged former professional wrestler who stood across from the border post with a small group of young men carrying large Mohawk Warrior flags on Saturday.

After Monday, he said, it will be “in the hands of the community.”
Of course... it's all about community.

(h/t reader Jason)


UPDATE: Try this one day yourself...

...and see how long it takes the local SWAT Team to drop you like a crazy girlfriend.


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