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12 May 2009

It's so true... a drowning man...

...will grab at a sword...
"But my favorite little desperate gesture from the Tamils is the way they’ve reached out to Sonia Gandhi, the big Indian politician, to ask for help. Which is funny because Sonia happens to be the widow of Rajiv Gandhi, who was killed by a suicide bomber in 1991. And who sent the bomber? Nobody but the LTTE, the Sri Lankan Tamils’ great liberation army."

"Yup, they didn’t like Rajiv’s policy on Sri Lanka so they sent him the LTTE version of a strip-o-gram: a zombie girl who shimmied right up to Rajiv at a rally and pulled her own string. It stripped her all right; it stripped the flesh off her and Rajiv and anybody else within the blast radius.'

"Scorched-earth erotic dancing. The ultimate Bollywood closing number."
Meanwhile, Ontario Premier Dalton McSlippery offers up this sage advice... "Just pretend you don't really support the terrorists."

Yeah, Dalton... that'll fix everything.


Christy Blatchford has an article worth reading entitled "Whose rights are really being trampled?" which I found on the same page as the story in your second link.