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08 May 2009

It seems it's not enough to have...

...indentured servants... some folks just want it all...
-- OTTAWA -- Ruby Dhalla's mother requires a live-in caregiver but that doesn't appear to have stopped her from travelling the world with her Liberal MP daughter.

And according to the rules for hiring foreign live-in caregivers, she doesn't have to be house bound or incapacitated to qualify for the federal program. In fact, there are no medical criteria at all.
And, in true Liberal fashion, it looks like Mrs. Dhalla senior feels she's "entitled to her entitlements"...
Dhalla, 35, has declared her mother, Tavinder, as her "designated traveller," according to House of Commons records. A designated traveller is entitled to use some or all of an MP's 64 annual travel points, which allow them to fly free in Canada or abroad.
The good life... courtesy of the Canadian taxpayer... yet again.


All of the allegations aside, why is a well paid MP and a doctor brother, with multiple chiropractic clinics, using a government program and being cheap cheap cheap to boot?