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14 May 2009

In other "Tyranny of Nice" type news...

Whew... that was a close one...
In other news ... the Association of Lions, Tigers and Other Large Felines has called an emergency session to discuss any necessary actions against this proposed name change.

A spokesman indicated that there is concern that there may be a negative backlash against Lions, in general. As well, lawyers for the Association are considering legal action concerning the use of the name. Copyright infringement is a primary concern.

Association President Simba (from Lion King fame) stated that large Felines are oftentimes presented in a negative fashion in the media, and that the use of the name would potentially be construed in the same way.

Association Good Will Ambassador Tony the Tiger reiterated that they were great - whatever that means.

"Uh, isn't there also a connotation between Lions and Christians?"