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27 May 2009

I'm so confused, wasn't it just last week...

...that the Puffin King was screeching about loosening the government purse strings?
And wasn't Iggy also demanding more action on the auto bailout?
Canada's contribution to the bailout of two Detroit auto makers could soar to more than $13-billion with the increasing need for cash by General Motors Corp., which has moved a giant step closer to filing for bankruptcy protection.

The numbers are viewed as still in flux.
The Liberals... they're flexible.


"The Liberals voted to support this budget. So I also could care less about hypocritical Liberals screeching. Its what they do."
And look what happens when the socialists get pouty...
Oh, Libby... you gonna challenge me to another duel?


Well, yeah... let's talk budgeting.
