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24 May 2009

The "Human Right" to have...

...whatever your little heart desires...
The human rights case launched by a federal scientist who claimed his former boss hired Chinese researchers because of their willingness to tolerate abuse has been dropped quietly.

The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal had been scheduled to hear this month the case of Ming Zhou, 46, a Chinese-born scientist who alleged Chander Grover and the National Research Council of Canada had discriminated against him.

The case promised to spotlight the deeply dysfunctional relationship between the NRC and Grover, an Indian-born research physicist who became a senior manager after winning a landmark discrimination case against the federal research agency in 1992.

Those events have outraged Grover, who believes the case against him had been "trumped up" by the NRC as part of its campaign to oust him.

"I am disappointed and upset, yes, because I have been deprived of the opportunity to tell my side of the story," said Grover, who has repeatedly battled the agency in human rights tribunals and courtrooms since 1987.
Yup... the guy who won a landmark "human rights" decision against his employer, the NRC... is being taken to the same tribunal by an underling. The CHRC snake is apparently now eating its own tail.

Only in Canada, you say?
