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17 May 2009

Hey... this is Canada

Of course the murderer's rights come first.
-- OTTAWA -- The son of a woman who was raped, strangled and left to rot in the woods has been blacklisted from the killer’s parole hearing.

Jeremy Mead, who was six years old when he watched his mom brutally assaulted at gunpoint, is barred from the May 27 hearing in Toronto because he wrote a victim’s impact statement deemed “disturbing” by officials at Correctional Service of Canada.

Mead wrote the first impact statement this past December, after learning Richard Raymond Babinski was permitted day passes to attend cultural events. It was the first time Mead had put pen to paper to express how his mom’s murder traumatized him for life.
Yeah... let's penalise the guy who is scarred for life because his mother was brutally murdered... that makes sense.
CSC refuses to reverse its decision - a position Mead calls a “slap in the face” to him and his mother’s memory.

“They’re going to give him a second chance, but they’re not going to give me a second chance,” he said. “His rights are overpowering my rights.”

RELATED: A friend remembers Eva Marie Mead
She did everything you're supposed to do when you run up against someone scary and dangerous -- got in touch with the police, filed charges, and helped the police gather evidence against the man who had sexually assaulted her (and who was later convicted of murdering her).

In the end, obsession trumped common sense.
And now Eva Marie Mead's son is being re-victimised by the system.



Hey... somebody has to stand up for those poor, misunderstood cons...
Well, Zorph... at least this time, you're not using a false trolling id... or shittin' on gays...

"It's a little past ironic that compassionate, intellectual, progressive Zorpheus considers... "whining, spineless nancyboys"... to be the ultimate insult he can throw at us knuckle-draggin' neocons."