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28 May 2009

Did you hear the one about...

...the judge from Planet Crazy?
-- EDMONTON -- Hart told court a security official at the remand centre called MacDonald the "most difficult inmate" among the 860 housed at the downtown facility. Court heard MacDonald has used illegal drugs, assaulted virtually every inmate bunked with him, "feces-bombed" other inmates, flooded his cell, urinated on the floor, set fires and assaulted and spat on guards regularly.

Court heard MacDonald allegedly started a fire in his cell on Dec. 3 and was then combative with guards and had to be pepper sprayed to get him under control.

On March 3, MacDonald got upset after being told he was being transferred due to his "unacceptable behaviour" and then punched two guards in the face when they went into his cell after he barricaded the door.
And the punch line?
The judge ruled he would only consider bail if there is a treatment facility or other suitable place for MacDonald, 27, to live. Malin adjourned the matter to next week.
I fear for my country.


RELATED: Yeah... that's the solution here...
"Last night was horrible – waiting to see if she would live," he said, stroking her back. "I'm so angry, "I want to find a lawyer."