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02 April 2009

Yet another difference, between us...

...nasty, knuckle-dragging Neocons and the compassionate, intellectual left...
In the cryptically titled Join or Die, San Francisco-based artist Justine Lai depicts herself getting busy with America’s deceased presidents. The results suggest a collision of 1970s porn magazines and painting by numbers.

As the series of 18 x 24” canvases is being produced in chronological order, these necrophilic entanglements currently extend only to Ulysses S Grant and his hitherto unrecorded spanking fetish.

Sadly, those of you aroused by the prospect of seeing, say, George W Bush getting it on with Ms Lai – with all the profundity that entails - may have to wait a while.
Now... and I admit I'm only speculating here... I'm guessing Mr. & Mrs. Lai, wherever they might be... are wishing they'd sent precocious little Justine off to "Welding School"... instead of that wonderful liberal arts college.

As are we all.
