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11 April 2009

Who says Sunnis & Shias...

...can't ever agree on anything...
Though the law only applies to the country's Shiite population — 10 per cent to 20 per cent of Afghanistan's 30 million people — Mr. Mohseni, the country's top Shiite cleric, said most of the articles could also be applied to Sunnis.

A prominent Sunni cleric, Mawlawi Habibullah Ahsam, said the rules about women submitting to sex and leaving the home would also be acceptable to Sunnis.
So... rolling back the clock to the 14th century... that works for everybody?


UPDATE: Ooops... looks like I spoke too soon

There's still a little tension in the big Islamic tent...
At least 9 people were killed and more than 20 were wounded, Saturday, when a suicide bomber targeted members of U.S.-allied Sunni militiamen.

RELATED: Show me the honour
This week, an article in the European Journal of Public Health estimated that “One in every five homicides in Pakistan is a so-called ‘honour killing.’

"Let's do an experiment. For the next week the whole world is under Sharia law. Then we can settle this once and for all."