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06 April 2009

The trouble with Psychiatry

Apparently, it's based on laws from... some other universe...
-- TORONTO -- A Toronto court is hearing the first person convicted in the killing of 15-year-old Jane Creba has a "cavalier" attitude toward her death.

"How do they know she wouldn't have been hit by a car or something?"
A cavalier attitude?!? What... he's a little insensitive?

Now, call me a hard-ass, but the phrase that immediately comes to my, admittedly layman's mind is... "Never, ever... sees the light of day again."

I guess that's not how it works in the fairy-tale world of "Corrections"... 'cos they're all enthused about this unfortunate lad's progress...
Hughes said during the first two years of J.S.R.'s incarceration, which began on Dec. 26, 2005, there were 29 behavioural incidents and eight between February 2008 and January of this year.

Bassarath said that showed better behaviour and agreed that suggested he does well in a structured environment.

"He has improved over the last year. There were fewer incidents."
So... we're willing to coddle this poor lad... while we crack down on all these troublemakers.

Good gawd... the inmates ARE running the asylum.


RELATED: If only there was a database...

... wait... whaddaya mean it wasn't registered?

-- VANCOUVER -- Vancouver police are dealing with what they say is the city’s latest targeted shooting.

A man was found dead outside a south Vancouver convenience store as police responded to several reports of shots fired at about 9:40 Monday night.

This is the 20th confirmed shooting death and the 21st targeted fatal in Metro Vancouver since mid-January.
[insert meaningless platitudes from local politicians here]
