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10 April 2009

"Save us, oh wonderful Obama"

"For too long, America has been too dismissive of the proud culture and invaluable contributions of the Pirate Community. Whether it is their pioneering work with prosthetics, husbandry of tropical birds or fanciful fashion sense, America owes a deep debt to Pirates."

"Some of us wonder if our current Overseas Contingency Operation would even be needed had the last administration not been so quick to label Pirates as 'thieves,' 'terrorists' and worse."

"Such swashbucklaphobia can lead to tragic results, as we have seen this week."
(via sda)

UPDATE: Yeah... how's that workin' out for you...
Pirates operating in the Gulf of Aden have seized an Italian-flagged boat with Italian crew on board, while an American captain remains in the captivity of other pirates.

White House officials say they are working towards a peaceful solution, with the help of both FBI and U.S. Navy negotiators.
Hey, Barry... maybe you didn't bow low enough.
