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03 April 2009

"Racism" is a one-way street

The further wit and wisdom of Mohamed Elmasry...
The crisis demonstrates that the rich tend to get richer not only at the expense of the poor but at the expense of their own economic system."

"The president of Brazil Luiz Inacio put it this way--the current economic mess is the fault of 'white people with blue eyes'."
Sure, you dumbstick... it's about melanocytes... NOT GREED.

Hey, Elmo... does that mean... 'white people with brown eyes'... are off the hook?

Good grief.


RELATED: Gee, Mo... I wonder how your old employer...

...feels about your latest theory...
"Dr. Mohamed Elmasry is Professor Emeritus of Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo."

LAST WORD: A red-letter day for conspiracy theorists

CBC uncovers yet another racist plot...
"Obviously, there's a question of racism here," Amir Attaran, a University of Ottawa law professor, told the CBC in an interview. "He has the unfortunate problem of being the same colour as the president of the United States and the Governor-General."
Yes, yes Amir... and look at how tragically that turned out for both of them.
