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09 April 2009

Live and don't learn

The further capricious & unknowable "Will of Allah"...
A bomb has exploded in a mainly Shia Muslim part of Baghdad, killing seven people and injuring at least 20 others, Iraq police have said.

It exploded about 100m (100 yards) from the tomb of Imam Mousa al-Kazim, holy to Shia Muslims.

Last January, a man disguised as a woman blew himself up near the shrine, killing more than three dozen people and wounding more than 70.

UPDATE: And, naturally, the Shia are enraged...

...just not at the guys setting off the bombs...
Tens of thousands of supporters of Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr have rallied against the US presence in Iraq, six years after Saddam Hussein's fall.

LAST WORD: Dear President Peace Moonbeam...

That's nice that you've made up with the Islamic peoples of the world... I just hope you weren't expecting them to reciprocate...
Armed officers from the North West Counter-Terrorism Unit arrested 12 men under the Terrorism Act in Liverpool, Manchester and Clitheroe on 8 April.
Coming soon to a neighbourhood near you.
