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03 April 2009

It was only a matter of time

I guess it's only fair that everybody gets a turn.

Toronto City Councillor and former CityPulse television reporter brands local media outlets as... surprise, surprise... "racist"...
Five food businesses in Chinatown and Kensington Market were shut down in March because of rodent and insect infestation, but Councillor Adam Vaughan, who represents the ethnically diverse area, says media reports painting the area as an unsafe place to eat are unfair and even “racist”.

"I lived in Kensington Market for five years in the eighties... and I can tell you without a word of a lie that I have never seen an area filled with people with less concern for cleanliness or concern for food safety."

"This, coming from a former soldier who spent a third of his 23 years in the military in some of the worst hell holes on the planet."