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20 April 2009

Hope, Change and...

...stay Steffi stay...
Despite leader Michael Ignatieff's vow that his party would no longer sit on its hands during votes in Parliament, Liberal MPs have missed three times as many votes in the House of Commons so far this year as Conservative members.
Three cheers for the Puffin King... just look at how he's turning the Liberal Party around...
The Liberals posted the worst record for voting in the House, standing to be counted fewer times on average than even Bloc Quebecois MPs.

And when Liberal MPs did show up, they voted the same way as the Conservatives 79% of the time. By contrast, Bloc MPs supported the government on only 14% of votes.

RELATED: Ask a lefty journalist...
“Take any story on what's happening to women in Afghanistan and switch the word ‘women’ to ‘men,’” she proposes. “See how bizarre it is?”

Whoah, that is trippy! And can you imagine if antebellum Americans had enslaved, say, chickens, instead of black people? Makes you think, don’t it?