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08 April 2009

Dressing down the Puffin King

The Liberals... they're flexible...
“Mr. Ignatieff and the Liberal Party, when this matter first broke, were practically demanding that I throw Mr. Mulroney in prison without a trial,” Mr. Harper said.

“Now they're out there pretending that somehow they're his best friends and they don't agree with any of this.

I think what Canadians will see is when it comes to a very difficult issue of government conduct and government ethics, this government has behaved responsibly and the other party, the other leader, has absolutely no moral compass.”
Sounds like the Liberals would have been way better off hiding this particular piece of excrement...
The element of this that's too funny for words... is that the Fiberals have been branding Iggy as "the smart one".

RELATED: This isn't really about Revenue Canada

It's about a longstanding, persistent culture of corruption in Quebec.

Canada's own little Chicago.
