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26 April 2009

The CBC...

...just another reason...[*]

RELATED: Those heartless Conservative bastards... wait...
Hang on a second... turns out she's NOT being "denied re-entry" to Canada after all...

...apparently, this is about hospital beds...
"None of the hospitals in the metropolitan area or the areas outside Toronto will accept her in the ICUs -- they are saying there are no ICU beds available," George said.
Just more despicable CTV spin.


LAST WORD: Hey... the Red Star wants in...

Yeah, of course, let's just blame it on the evil logo...

What most people likely see when they inspect the famous green-and-white Starbucks emblem is the likeness of a long-maned mermaid wearing a crown, surrounded by several concentric circles that contain the company's brand name.

But that is not what Higazi sees.
Absolutely nothing to do with the crazy ol' Imam.
