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21 April 2009

The Canadian Justice System

Apparently... it's not about truth...
Frank D'Angelo was found not guilty Tuesday of sexually assaulting a longtime friend's daughter by a judge who nevertheless said the former brewery owner is "probably" guilty.

Hamilton said there was little evidence for him to consider other than the two stories.

"I am faced with one witness against another," he said in delivering his verdict. "But the issue before me is not whose version of events is true," rather whether a reasonable doubt was raised.

FROM THE COMMENTS: The Judge might think he's guilty...

...but CC lickspittle "Liberal Supporter" knows who's really to blame...
Yeah, you despicable scumbag... blame the victim.

And don't stop there, Libby... explain to us some more, how having sex with the child of a "longtime family friend" is just fine with you.


Or is it?

Remember "Liberal Supporter's shtick" before he had the stones to use his actual drive-by trolling identity?
Good grief... who are these freaks?
