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06 April 2009

2 Billion dollars... and counting

Long live the Fiberals... "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry"...
Bill S-5, the Long-Gun Registry Repeal Act, introduced by the government in the Senate, would change nothing to the "laws" that now require the arrest of at least 185,925 peaceful Canadians.

Arrest 200,000 peaceful Canadians, then? Or selectively persecute some of them, as the police have (still timidly) started to do, in order to scare the others into submission?

The whole episode shows that it is impossible to enforce a liberticidal law with means that are consistent with a free society.

One has to yield: the liberticidal law — the whole liberticidal law — or the free society.

The jury is still out.
(via nicholls)


RELATED: Do you have your ex-wife's permission?
19(f) During the past two years, have you experienced a divorce, a separation, a breakdown of a significant relationship, job loss or bankruptcy?"
Which is, of course, totally beside the point...
"This conclusion acknowledges that, in the absence of criminal records, substance abuse, and previous violence, domestic homicides rarely occur."
You wanna know... statistically... who kills their spouses in Canada? Here's a hint... it isn't skeet shooters, farmers or duck hunters.

It's one... previously convicted criminals, with two... substance abuse problems.

Who could have possibly figured that one out, huh?
