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29 March 2009

Why fix stuff for real?

When it's so much easier to just pretend you're doing something...
"If I wanted to live in North Korea..."

UPDATE: "Gored" by his own Ox
As most of you know, just over two years ago, my organization, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, found that the knuckleheaded leader of the global warming alarmism movement, Al Gore, consumes 20 times more electricity in his home than the average American household.

Since Earth Hour was recognized today, Saturday, March 28 from 8:30-9:30pm, I thought I’d see how the hypocritical, fear-mongering former Veep was celebrating at his home.

I pulled up to Al’s house, located in the posh Belle Meade section of Nashville, at 8:48pm – right in the middle of Earth Hour.
[Read it all]


LAST WORD: The road to hell, is paved...

...with scented candles.
