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17 March 2009

Where's my taxpayer-funded public enquiry?

Just add it to the list of stuff that's way more dangerous than tasers. And don't play coy, Dawg... you know what list.


RELATED: Over 300 incidents... no deaths
In his report to the Toronto Police Services Board, Chief Bill Blair said none of the 329 people had any lasting injuries from use of the "conducted energy weapons."

Police are criticized for using the devices, but although linked to 20 people's deaths in Canada, coroners concluded all had other medical conditions.
That's funny... those 20 deaths? Sun reporter Ian Robertson fails to mention what period of time is involved here... or the fact that this number is also country-wide.

So Ian... five years... ten tears? C'mon pal, pony up.

Journalists... our moral & intellectual superiors.


LAST WORD: Sure thing, genius... no more tasers

Let's just shoot 'em.
