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14 March 2009

Ugly, incomprehensible "Cult of Death"...

...once again... turns up "the crazy"...
The leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah militant group said Friday his movement will never recognize Israel.

In a speech marking the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed, Hassan Nasrallah said he rejected American conditions for dialogue, including recognition of the state of Israel.
Allah... (not to mention the Green Party)... must be so proud.


RELATED: Yet another Oba-misfire...
Freeman served in Riyadh from 1989 to 1992, the period of the Gulf War. Like many representatives of the United States, he seems to have fallen prey to the Arabic equivalent of the Stockholm Syndrome (a phenomenon not unknown among Canadian diplomats).
Interestingly, it's the blogosphere that's getting credit for arc-lighting another dubious pick by "the One".
The White House decided not to spend political capital defending him, so this week he withdrew his name.