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07 March 2009

Tonight's CTV Moonbat moment

I dunno... maybe I'm just being too hard on all those poor misunderstood souls who end up on the wrong side of the courtroom.

See... I just finished listening to Sandie Rinaldo try make a case that it's the current economic situation that's turning Canadians into lawbreakers.

Even after hearing a police officer reject that thesis... (it went something like, "Nah... it's just the usual collection of scummy bangers & junkies")... Sandie trots out a couple of the usual "experts" who tried to make the case for her.

I remember P.J. O'Rourke shooting down this lame "hardship theory" in one of his books. It went something like... "Yeah, sure... if you took away Thurgood Marshall's paycheque, the next day he'd be down at the bus station suckin' on a crack pipe."

Yup... no such thing as personal responsibility any more... it's always somebody else's fault.


RELATED: Yeah... it must be the recession
-- VANCOUVER, B.C. -- For the fifth straight day, shots rang out, this time in the suburban city Coquitlam, RCMP Cpl. Peter Thiessen said Saturday.

LAST WORD: All aboard the "Crazy Bus"
"That's why I no longer give money to food banks. All I'm really doing is helping bad parents become even worse parents by fueling their ability to feed their destructive habits instead of their children."

"I may not be robbing the bank but I'm sure as hell driving the getaway car."