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07 March 2009

They say that "courage"... simply "grace under fire"...
As a byproduct, I thought she also landed a pre-emptive strike against those who, every time a soldier's casket comes home, purse their lips and murmur some platitude about how sad it is, and what a waste and then ask if, you know, it's worth it?

It is fallen soldiers' families and colleagues who can best answer that question, and the majority of those who have spoken publicly about Canada's mission in Afghanistan seem to say yes, much as it hurts, yes it is worth it.

Of course, to that, the people on the other side of the war divide always reply, well of course they would say that; to do otherwise is to say their loved one died in vain.

This is but a version of the belief, widespread among the elite, that they know better than soldiers themselves what's good for soldiers, the plain inference that soldiers aren't so bright or informed.
Read it all.
