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30 March 2009

Pulling the magical handle

Hey guys, how about we maybe just go with a little more straight talk... and a little less digital pixie dust?
"Liberal 360" is the name of the party's new voter database system, which was purchased from a Massachusetts-based company called the Voter Activation Network. VAN is used by the Democrats at the federal and state levels, and it developed the volunteer management tools for the massively successful

The company only sells the product to "progressive political parties," which means that it's off limits to the Republicans and the Conservatives, which both have their own voter database systems.
I sure hope they remembered to buy that special "ACORN" module...
Mr. Rossi refused to say how much the party paid for the software, adding that the cost of these types of systems vary depending on how detailed a voter profile the party wants.

Voter-targeting software can be purchased for as little as $20,000, however it's the psychographic information about voters that can cost upwards of $200,000. Mr. Rossi said that no final decisions have been made about how much data the party will buy.
Nice to know, we're all just variables to be manipulated, huh?
