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24 March 2009

Puffin King, Chicken Dinner

Swear an oath of eternal fealty... and I hear he'll bless your livestock...
For $1,100, you can talk to Michael Ignatieff at a cocktail reception and then sit really close to him at the dinner that follows. Pay $500 and all you get is the rubber chicken.

This latest Grit tactic is being employed for the Leader's Dinner, a major Liberal Party fundraiser being held at the swank Fairmont Royal York hotel in Toronto on April 1.
And you've just gotta love the "On Probation" website thing.

Ignatieff knuckles under on the Conservative budget... exactly like his "now disappeared" predecessor... and then tries to spin it like he's holding the government's feet to the fire.

What change are we talkin' about here? This is simply more fiberal smoke and mirrors.


"Iggy is still asking Liberals to donate the maximum $1,100 to the Liberal Party AND another $1,100 to the Ignatieff leadership fund - $2,200 total."

"Wait! Ignatieff has a leadership fund? Isn’t he running uncontested?"

"Why does this fund still exist?"