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02 March 2009

Personal Liberty v. Greater Good

It has often been jokingly said, that... "God created whiskey to keep the Irish from taking over the world." It is, unfortunately, a sentiment that could easily apply to their Scottish cousins.
It's something I feel strongly about... both my father and his older brother were stone-alcoholics... and my mother's family has not escaped unscathed either.

And, in truth, there but for the grace of gawd... go I.

The fact that my parents got on that boat and left the old country, might be the only reason that I didn't succumb completely myself.

The pub, like the "fitba matches" is a deeply engrained part of Scots culture.

And tragically... there is a huge societal cost.

One of my relatives, a generation back, killed someone while driving drunk. Another, closer to my age, lost a kidney after being stabbed in a fight.

I'm just sayin'.


"As a Scot I remember a banner some fans had at a Scotland v Russia game -- 'Communism v Alcoholism'."

RELATED: As always, the quandry is...

...where exactly do you draw the line?
"Isn't it nice to have a pretend court system and pretend judges wanting to overturn the ruling of a real judge?"