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19 March 2009

Perhaps a little "resistance training"...

...isn't a bad thing...
The decline of traditional news media will accelerate the rise of The Daily Me, and we'll be irritated less by what we read and find our wisdom confirmed more often.

The danger is that this self-selected "news" acts as a narcotic, lulling us into a self-confident stupor through which we will perceive in blacks and whites a world that typically unfolds in grays.

So perhaps the only way forward is for each of us to struggle on our own to work out intellectually with sparring partners whose views we deplore.

Think of it as a daily mental workout analogous to a trip to the gym; if you don't work up a sweat, it doesn't count.
Of course... you still have to get past the sweating, grunting narcissist over at the weight pile by the full-length mirror.


RELATED: It's something Ezra's already doing
"I take it you're from the Liberal club, you've got Warren Kinsella's talking points."

"Good for you. Send me a memo, I'll look into it."

LAST WORD: Horrible Neocon makes "retard joke"

Wait a minute...
