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03 March 2009

Never a taser around...

...when you need one...
-- WINNIPEG -- Vincent Li left a troubling note for his ex-wife just days before he killed, beheaded and cannibalized a sleeping passenger on a Greyhound bus last summer, a Winnipeg court heard Tuesday.
Don't get me started.


RELATED: What the hell happened... personal responsibility? Guess what, Gomer? The government isn't there to babysit your thrill-seeking ass...
“I'm responsible for the 15th and the 16th. I'm not on the 17th or any time afterward. That was them,” Mr. Blackburn said in an interview Tuesday.

Mr. Blackburn said he has not contacted a lawyer and has not decided if he will sue.

“I will take care of my wife first.”
Oh, you self-involved, blame-throwin' deadhead... I'm thinkin'... you did that already.


LAST WORD: Enough is enough

Hey, brainiac... if your kid gets loaded and kills people, or even just himself... while driving a two ton missile... that ain't on society... that's squarely on Party Boy.

And no... you don't get to call him a hero.
